Sunday 23 January 2011

The script- The Guest- Part 2

Oh my god! I quickly make a standard salute to it and then I adjust the hand gesture slightly in order to be photographed more handsome by that monitor. After all it is the historic occasion that human contact with the civilization outside of the Milky Way. “I am the big man and people will remember me for ever.“ (This is my imagination that I wear Military uniform with lots of medals. Varies of flash are constantly flickering in the black background and I am smiling just like a hero.)

That creature is panic and swaying its body uneasily. Maybe he does not understand my intension. Hurriedly I take it off from driver’s seat and put it in front of my eyes.

“Sir, please do not worry, I won’t hurt you although we are the different races. Trust me. If you have any diplomatic mission going to the earth, I am pleased to be with you. Of course if you want to mend your spaceship I will try my best.” (I speak aloud using a special language…######. I am so excited. The translation of those words will be on the screen.)

But there is no reaction. It just looks at me, like thinking about something. (The camera is close-up on its eyes and my body is reflected on them. It blinks sometimes and shakes its head slightly).

“Oh my god, there must be some problems with the life-maintenance system of your spaceship. I will prepare some food for you.”

I order the nanny robot to move all of the food from the storage room to the command module as I really do not know its taste. Obviously it is hungry that it even puts corruptive food into its mouth. I am surprised. Maybe its digestion system has achieved a higher level that could digest any organic matter.

“May I have a look at your spaceship”? (I put forward my request carefully and there are different kinds of expressions changing on my face to proof of my sincerity). At the same time I order the robot to bring some soft drink for him. Several seconds later he is still eating edaciously and does not refuse me. Then I begin to look over such a sophisticated spaceship to appreciate its design and function. (The camera is close-up and moves slowly for describing the spaceship).


I am surprised as there is not any weapon of self-defense equipment inside, the only equipment is a communication instrument. It looks like a can without gravity traction system.

“Maybe this race has evolved to Power of Thought Drive. He is the spaceship and the spaceship is him”. Oh my God!

As a professionally trained military pilot, I have visited a lot of extraterrestrial civilizations and understand them more or less. However I am greatly shocked when I see the inner pilot.
Its appearance is not quite abnormal as at least it has an outline. Even the liquid biological creatures have been conformed by our military and what else could scare current human? But I was frightened.

I can not believe it is just less than ten inches tall. Although I have imagined it definitely will not be a big guy according to its small airship. There are two ears on the top of its head which are almost bigger than its face. Most outstanding is its two incisors out of mouth which makes him in high spirits. It also has a metal circle around its head which is connected with a lot of electrodes and other machines. It is similar to an America hamster belonged to my little niece.

No matter how its appearance looks like, even it is a piece of amoeba, it is also a guest from an extraterrestrial civilization. I hurriedly call for master computer opening interpreter and get ready to speak to it. However the loudspeaker above the big screen tells me peacefully: “there is no corresponding racial language in data system.”

There are all of racial languages saved in that violent computer within the Milky Way. So it is possibly a civilization outside of the Milky Way!

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