Monday 14 February 2011

Employing Camera Angles_Area

According to Mascelli (1965), the area photographed may be employed in various combinations to produce a motion picture story with visual variety, dramatic interest, cinematic continuity.

The area photographed determines the subject's image size on the film. The camera may film long shots, with tiny images; or close-ups, with large iamges. Image sizes may be employed in a series of shots to present the event in a progressive( or regressive), contrasting or repetitious manner.

Progressive shots utilize a series of images increasing or decreasing in size. Sequences may proceed from long shot to medium shot to clese-up; or procedure may be resersed. The sequence may begin and end with any type of shot. Most important is the progressive change in image size from shot to shot.


Mascelli, J. V. (1965). The Five C's of  Cinematography. The United States: radstone publications.

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