Monday 21 February 2011

Camera Angles Test

It is happening in the spaceship. The story of this part is that the man receives the UFO, and it is sent into cockpit by lift.

At the beginning, the cylinder (lift) and the man are all in the frame, the camera on front of them and at the left side. At this moment the cylinder does not appear completely, which is just a little bit higher than the ground. The shot attracts audience focusing on the man and the cylinder, and introduces their space relationship. 

This is the layout of the camera movement. 1 is its beginning position and 2 is ending position. The red line is its motion curve.

Then the cylinder is moving upward slowly and the camera is spinning around them until forming 45 degrees with the man, like the picture above. During the time, the camera is closer to the man and has a higher angle, which gradually make his face in a bigger size, in order to attract audience focusing on his facial expressions, anxious and curious. The audience will feel his psychological movement and curious about what objects are in the UFO and how the man will do next. Obviously the camera angle and camera movement are beneficial for the story development in the narrative.

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