Friday 25 February 2011

About My Animation

First I will talk about a piece of animation "Appleseed", which is made in Japan in 2004. It deeply touched me for two reasons when I watched it for the first time. One is it has used motion capture to put real performence into an animation. The other is the combination of the real effect of scenes with the cartoon material of the character. I like it very much as it has a sharp contrast to make images more powerful.

The picture is from APPLESEED made in Japan in 2004.

So in my animation I want to make the scenes more realistic but the material of characters is cartoon to improve the visual impact. However I will make it by key frame rather than motion capture, as the appearence of my character is exaggerated, which I need to magnify its action to match its figure.

The picture shows the models of my current work The Guest.

However I have tried the cartoon materials before, but it is not successful.

The two pictures are from my work The Rock & The Opera in 2006.

Obviously there is no influency on character's surface by intensity of lights and shadows. Maybe as its face is made by textures instead of models. One point of my current research is lighting design in the narrative so I will solve such a problem in terms of materials and models.

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