Tuesday 1 March 2011


Today in the tutorial, Andy gave me some advices about the shot_01 of my project. The camera shots are uncomfortable for audience to some extent. Because I made the camera animation instead of the movement of the spaceship, which made mistakes in the relationship among spaceship, camera (viewer) and the background (space). After the class I make another experiment of shot_01. Based on the same purpose, I make the spaceship flying in the space at the same speed. The camera_interest moves with its mainbody, but stopping the movement earlier than the spaceship. In order to make the camera from high angle to eye-level angle to low angle, I animate the camera vertically a little and keep its camera_interest moving at the same line. At the same time, I move the background in opposite direction with the spaceship to enhance the effect of flying. 

In next fews days I will make some lighting tests of the shot_01.

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