Sunday 17 July 2011

Types of Film Editing_Cutting_Cut-aways

Cut- aways need not match previous scenes, because they are not a part of the main event. Cut-aways are shots of secondary action- directly or indirectly related to the main action- used as a reaction, a comment or a dirtraction. However, cut-aways should be established when they appar as part of the original long shot and later moved off-screen, when the camera is moved in to film the principal players. A long shot may depict several players. Later, the action may be covered with a two- shot. The off- screen players' reactions are directly tied in with cut- away close-ups. In this instance, it is important that each player be shown with the proper right or left look, to match his established off- screen position in relation to the principal players. The wrong look will give the impression the player is now on the side oposite that shown in the establishing long shot.


Mascelli, J. V. (1965). The Five C's of  Cinematography. The United States: radstone publications.

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